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Who will benefit from Osteopathic Manual Practice treatments

Osteopathy, thanks to the principles on which it is based, can be performed and be beneficial for people of all ages, from the newborns to the elderly.

It is a safe non-invasive treatment which can be applied also during pregnancy.

It is effective in treating various disorders such as: headaches, back pain, cervical pain, joint and muscle pain, TMJ dysfunctions, changes in balance, gynecological and digestive disorders, cervicalgia, lumbalgia, sciatic neuropathia, arthritis, discopathy and others.

Pediatric Patients


In the pediatric field, the osteopath uses delicate and painless techniques to solve some common problems among the little ones. .

Thanks to specific treatments, Osteopathy works dysfunctions that often occur in different types of delivery (eutocic, cesarean, with episiotomy, with epidural); promptly identifying and intercepting the causes of the ailments that children suffer allows that these problems do not become chronic, conditioning their development.

Among the main disorders caused by traumas that occurred during childbirth or in the first weeks of life, there are:


  • scoliosis

  • gaseous colic

  • constipation

  • regurgitation and gastroesophageal reflux

  • recurrent otitis and sinusitis

  • plagiocephaly

  • congenital myogenic torticollis

  • difficulty resting


The osteopath, with light manipulations and delicate touches, directs the treatment towards the removal of the blocks and malfunctions underlying these disorders, rebalancing the surface and deep tensions, and thus restoring the normal functioning of the body.

Pregnancy and Post-Partum


Osteopathy helps pregnant women to assist the changes taking place in their body in a gentle and harmonious way.

This is essential to better experience one of the most engaging periods in a woman's life. Pregnancy is the period in which women are more aware of the processes of their body: it produces a substantial postural and functional change to which the female body can be subjected.

For some women, pregnancy also means having to deal with certain ailments related to the progressive growth of the baby in the womb which, week by week, causes the shift of the center of gravity and continuous structural and visceral changes.

These changes require continuous adaptations by the musculoskeletal system which often struggles to respond adequately causing several complications:

Osteopathy addresses and solves painful problems affecting the spine and related muscles such as:


  • low back pain

  • sciatica

  • neck pain

  • disturbances related to fluid retention (especially during the last trimester of gestation) which can cause:

  • important swelling of the lower and upper limbs

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (which manifests itself with pain and tingling in the wrist and fingers)

  • nausea

  • digestive difficulties

  • constipation


The osteopathic pathway during pregnancy can promote tissue elasticity and joint mobility by facilitating both labor and expulsion.
Osteopathy during the post-partum phase speeds up the recovery of the skeletal muscle balance and any scarring results from cesarean section or episiotomy.
One of the most annoying aspects of the postpartum phase is mild urinary incontinence. Osteopathy, through techniques aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, combined with specific perineal gymnastics, helps resolve urinary incontinence.

Feeding time
The positions taken during the lactation period can predispose the onset of painful symptoms affecting the back and cervical muscles. An osteopathic manual practitioner can also help in solving these problems by providing adequate indications on the correct postures to maintain.



Sport in all its manifestations plays a very important role for our psychophysical well-being. Each sport has its own characteristics and peculiarities, just like those who practice it, and it is therefore essential to consider the sports patient according to the discipline performed.

Some parts of the body are physiologically subjected to greater stress and these structures, if not adequately protected, may undergo degeneration over time, becoming weaker and therefore predisposed to inflammation, laxity or injury.

Osteopathic treatment can limit the onset and relapses of these problems, as well as help their healing.

Osteopathic treatment, thanks to the non-invasive handling techniques, can:


  • Improve the efficiency of the musclular-scheletal system

  • Promote metabolic and respiratory functions

  • Preventing accidents


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As we age we face a series of pathologies and physical problems that can seriously affect a person's quality of life. These problems often depend on factors such as the work done, the trauma suffered, the pathologies encountered but with the passing of the years we all suffer from pain and we all have some difficulties.

Osteopathy can be a very valuable help for this phase of life: with gentle and painless treatments, you can face the various problems that affect the elderly person in everyday life.

Osteopathic treatment relieves pain and reduces discomfort, helping older people to maintain tone and vitality.

Pathologies such as arthrosis and joint pain are to be considered physiological, normal at a certain age but these conditions cannot be allowed to compromise a person in a debilitating way; the pains caused by these pathologies lead to adopting incorrect postures that, in the long term, multiply the tensions of the different areas of the body, thus increasing the pain.

Osteopathic treatment significantly alleviates the symptoms, restoring the mobility and functionality of the body and helping the patient to find well-being and a more peaceful life.

When should you go to osteopathy?
Osteopathic treatments are indicated in case of:


  • arthritis

  • muscle pain

  • decrease or loss of joint mobility

  • functional problems at the visceral level

  • sleep problems

  • fall without loss of consciousness or without fractures

  • ENT problems 

  • headaches

  • ​

Equally important is the preventive approach:

to take stock of your health
when you stop working
before starting a new sport
In addition to problems concerning the musculoskeletal system, osteopathic treatment is effective for very common diseases such as hypertension and hypotension, intestinal difficulties, urinary incontinence and vascular problems, improving the metabolism and functionality of the various organs and promoting blood circulation and drainage.

TMJD and Orofacial Pain


Orofacial pain is a very common entity with an important social impact.
It involves the structures of the face and sees 90% of dental pathologies as the cause, while the remaining 10% is due to other structures, such as the musculoskeletal system or the nerves.
It is essential in any case to understand the exact origin of pain in order to take the right therapeutic path.
Temporomandibular disorders (DTM) are often caused by traumatic phenomena: microtrauma (bruxism) or macro trauma (direct traumas to the jaw).
Temporomandibular disorders are a group of heterogeneous pathologies that affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the muscles of the jaw or both. They are characterized by a classic triad of clinical signs: pain, joint noises and limitation or deviation during the opening movement. DTMs are considered to be the most common conditions of orofacial pain of non-dental origin, but often the presence of concomitant symptoms such as ear pain, headaches, neuralgia and dental pain, makes the diagnosis of DTM complicated. It is important to know that to treat these pathologies it is not necessary to intervene on the teeth.





820 East El Camino Real
Mountain View, CA 94040



Monday- Friday:  

9.00 am - 6.00 pm 


10.00 am - 2.00 pm


Phone: (650)-695-9761



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